Problem statement:
To design a takeaway container that will reduce the incidences of (certain types of) takeaway food from becoming soggy

Primary User Needs 
adapted from last week's post.

1. The container is aesthetically pleasing (!)
2.  The container is user-friendly and simple to handle
3. The container is made from appropriate materials
4. The container has an efficient design
5. The container is reasonably priced
6. The container is structurally sound
7. The container allows ventilation
8. The container is a marketing/branding tool (!)

In what ways may I...
Prevent/reduce the incidence of takeaway food becoming soggy by means of a container design?
I did a few methods of decomposition but I wasn't sure what best suited the gap. I don't think I understood what 'energy' and 'signals' in Decomposing by Functions meant, so please leave me a message if you would like to enlighten me!

The 10 Concepts:
I didn't label all the materials; all designs have been designed for the use of use environmentally products eg. bio-plastics, etc. More research to be done.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

