My project is the  ‘Moon & Sun’ takeaway container

The name derived both from the shape of the container and from natural elements aim to evoke the feelings of nature and freshness, and complementary elements which relates to different components of the food. I have also developed a logo for the product, which you will see (repeatedly) in the images below.
The Gap:
When food with wet components are packed as takeaway, the  dry component tends to become soggy if it is mixed with the wet, and hence does not taste good.

Problem Statement [recap from week 6]:
To design a takeaway container that will reduce the incidences of (certain types of) takeaway food from becoming soggy

Primary User Needs  [recap from week 6]
1. The container is compartmentalised.
2. The container is adaptable to hold different types of food (soup, gravied, rice, noodles, pasta, etc)
3. The container can be carried by hand.
4. The container is structurally stable.
5. The container is stackable.
6. The container is easy to pack & fill.
7. The container is easy to unpack.
8. The container allows one to eat out of it directly.
9. The container allows ventilation
10. The container is reasonably priced

The Moon&Sun resolves the gap by providing a separate compartment for the 'wet' and 'dry' components of your takeaway food such that the 'dry' part remains as crispy/al dente as possible while you are on your way back to the office/ home to have your meal. This can be applied to soup+noodles/bread, gravy+rice, salad, fruit+yogurt, etc.

Next steps:
To develop the artwork (cut-out) for the structural packaging to find out how much it really costs to produce this takeaway box design in bulk. The material will definitely be some kind of recycled paper for food packaging usage. The holding handle can be developed a little more as well. The colours chosen would be improved (yellow/orange range) to help meals look more appetising. There is also the possibility to study holding 3 components, if necessary.

Other bits of information:
1. Prototype - due to material limitations, I have not been able to make a prototype that can hold cooked food.  The size of the container has been derived from using cup noodles and existing food container sizes as references and also using dry food and water poured into a plastic sheet inside the prototype, so it should be fairly accurate. 
2. Name - I thought of making it directly related to food, but in a way I felt the 'moon & sun' name sounds rather poetic, easy to remember, and definitely referencing the shape  


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