Problem Statement [recap]
To design a takeaway container that will reduce the incidences of (certain types of) takeaway food from becoming soggy

Primary User Needs  [recap & refined from Week 4]
1. The container is compartmentalised.
2. The container is adaptable to hold different types of food (soup, gravied, rice, noodles, pasta, etc)
3. The container can be carried by hand.
4. The container is structurally stable.
5. The container is stackable.
6. The container is easy to pack & fill.
7. The container is easy to unpack.
8. The container allows one to eat out of it directly.
9. The container allows ventilation
10. The container is reasonably priced

Work has been difficult this week and I understand that the quality of work this week is going to suffer, as I did not have enough time to source out for the waterproof materials for a more finalised prototype. The images shows the prototype that I have touched up from my last one to address the issues highlighted during the survey last week.

I have decided to focus on working on 'Moon & Sun' since the Wow Factor & aesthetics seem to be attracting the majority of votes.  A comment that 'Press & Seal' is too similar to the current methods of takeaway was also a push towards focussing on 'Moon & Sun'.  

The focus on this week is to develop on weaknesses highlighted by the feedback, and also improve on what is good.

The users of 'Moon & Sun' were concerned with:
1. The stability of the packaging.
2. The stability of holding by string.
3. If one can reach the odd corners of the shape.

While I had thought the string as an elegant carrying solution, I was concerned that it may cause imbalance to the container is a definite "no-go" so I have decided to adapt it to a handle.  I have thought about resolving the pointed corners of the 'moon', but is part of the nature of the aesthetic shape, so I will have to leave that for now. The nature the design made it not quite possible to make this packaging modular.

This week, the following aspects were developed in the Alpha Prototype:
1.  Placing an typical proportion of liquid and solid to test the proportions and size of the prototype. 
2. Modifying the carrying handle and details.
3. Improving the physical appearance of the packaging.

[Pardon the waterproof plastic sticking out in the pictures as I was not able to find waterproof paper of a good size to make my Alpha prototype, so I had to use the plastic wrap so the cardboard does not become wet.]

Step 1: User#1  (food seller) fills different parts of the container with different types of food by nature of 'wetness'.
Step 2: Place cover on, flip over handle and User #2 (food buyer) is ready to go!
Step 3: Remove cap. If mixing is required, food in 'sun' is poured into 'moon', and User #2 is ready to eat while holding the container in one hand.
Possible areas of improvement:
Investigate how User #2 can carry more than one container at a time.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

