As I have not decided on a single direction yet, I am using this concept testing assignment to test TWO concepts, and I would like to take this concept testing to help me decide a single design concept to explore.

Problem Statement [recap]
To design a takeaway container that will reduce the incidences of (certain types of) takeaway food from becoming soggy

Primary User Needs  [recap & refined from Week 4]
1. The container is compartmentalised.
2. The container is adaptable to hold different types of food (soup, gravied, rice, noodles, pasta, etc)
3. The container can be carried by hand.
4. The container is structurally stable.
5. The container is stackable.
6. The container is easy to pack & fill.
7. The container is easy to unpack.
8. The container allows one to eat out of it directly.
9. The container allows ventilation
10. The container is reasonably priced

Just to share a little more of the concept testing process before the survey was initiated....
I initially set sight on ‘the cap’ but was informed by one of the new people I interviewed (luckily, my first few) that it has already been made and use by a restaurant I have not been to for their take-outs.  Alas. There are some complications to ‘soup sleeve’ as there was some doubt if the connection point between sleeve and container is 100% leak-proof, so I have decided to now will explore ‘Moon & Sun’ (Concept H) and ‘Press & Seal’ (called 'Twist/Press & Seal' last week, Concept B)  It will be interesting as I believe both of these concepts have very different appeals.

I decided to include the original sketches and mock-up diagrams showing the process of usage in the survey so people can understand how to use the different containers better.  

As I was studying two concepts,  the process I chose to study the concept testing is the Forced Choice to help me reach the goal of narrowing my design from two to one.

The survey showcased 'Moon & Sun' and  'Press & Seal'  was posted on my survey site to gather feedback from people. (Click on the names to be linked to the larger images used for the survey.)

Visual concept descriptions & screencap of the survey is below:
Moon & Sun (Concept H)
  • 2-in-1 container with separate compartments
  • Aesthetically interesting
  • Easily carried by hand
  • Designed for holding by hand while eating
Press & Seal (Concept B)
  • Modular containers for containing a variety of food types
  • Designed to be stackable
  • Cuts one component and step in packing, as the base of one container can also act as a cap/cover for another
  • Quick & easy to fill
Survey Results Summary

Total participants =  40
Prefer 'Moon & Sun' (Concept H)= 26 (65%)

Reasons/Comments (verbatim): 
  1. I think it'd be easier to carry. But I'd suggest the wet items to go in the inner container, because I imagine they'd be slippery and at the end of your meal it would be easier to scoop the last wet bits out from the all round container and not the one with pointy corners
  2. I like the design for holding by hand. Both of your designs are appealing. 
  3. easier to manage 
  4. Looks practical 
  5. I would want it to hold any takeaway food. 
  6. easy to carry, wider "mouth" to allow me to see what am I eating 
  7. Separate components is a great idea.  
  8. It's easier to carry and to even place in a paper or plastic bag is if needed.  
  9. It is more easy to carry with one hand with out burning my self while looking for my car keys. The moon & sun is beautiful but a little un stable.
  10. Safer and easier to carry. As it is an horizontal shape it helps you to keep in mind that you should keep it as it is to avoid spillage. 
  11. looks better
  12. It would allow carrying it all in one ( avoiding leakages) but at the same time it resolves both transportation and practical eating ( I just hate mixed up food).
  13. It's very unique and I find the design very promising. I prefer the container to be able to hold as much as possible any kind of takeaway food. 
  14. It would allow carrying it all in one ( avoiding leakages) but at the same time it resolves both transportation and practical eating ( I just hate mixed up food
  15. love how cute moon and sun looks and also how organic it feels. if more than two items or buying for colleagues at lunchtime I'd go for press and seal. 
  16. bigger wow factor 
  17. Moon & Sun is a very elegant solution! 
  18. Moon and sun seems much easier to carry. I also like the aesthetics of it. Great idea!
  19. Seems more innovative, "easier to balance" when I carry it around and easier to eat out from. The press and seal one appears to be quite similar to what food vendors are already currently doing - packing into 2 separate containers except that they are stackable? Maybe can also market it for salad? The slightly mushy and heavier ingredients like avocado and eggs can go in the smaller container while the leafy stuff can go into the big one. People can just shake to mix and eat.

Prefer 'Press & Seal' (Concept B) = 14 (35%)

Reasons/Comments (verbatim):
  1. I'd rathee hold the container than hold a string which may swing around 
  2. I try not to take away liquid food at restaurant 
  3. regular shape, easier to stack & bring around
  4. Can stack more containers to put different ingredients
  5. The crescent moon shape looks cool, but I worry that it'll collapse in on the sun… 
  6. Press & Seal is easier to use for eating when mixing food together. Looking at the Moon & Sun, it would most probably be easier to pour the 'dry' into 'wet' compartment. This make it difficult to scoop the soup due to the narrow edges.
  7. easy to carry in a bag! 
  8. More flexible with regards to number of different types of food per takeaway
  9. Looks more fuss free. Moon & Sun looks like more easily tilted over.
  10. Seems more compact
  11. It looks more stable and easier to carry. Mainly due to how I feel the sun/moon liquid section will slosh more since it is spread wide and also not evenly throughout (the sun spoils the distribution)

Typical takeaway food choice (% of total surveyed):
Noodles & Soup users = 18 (45%, of which 66,7% voted for Concept H)
Pasta & Sauce users = 9 (22.5%, of which 55.5% voted for Concept H)
Soup & Bread users = 2 (5%, of which 50% voted for Concept H)
Rice & Gravy users = 5 (12.5%, of which 80% voted for Concept H)
Others users = 4 (10%, of which 100% voted for Concept H)
Example of other food types: 
Yoghurt + fruit + cereals, Cheese dip with Nacho, Sandwich/Cake + Coffee, Sandwiches or bread or fruits. All of the above. (verbatim)

Age groups (% of total surveyed):
<13 = 0
13-18 = 1 (2.5%, of which 100% voted for Concept H)
19-25 = 5 (12.5%, of which 60% voted for Concept H)
26-35 = 10 (25%, of which 50% voted for Concept H)
36-50 = 5 (12.5%, of which 60% voted for Concept H)
>50 = 4 (10%, of which 75% voted for Concept H)
Prefer Not to Say = 15 (37.5%, of which 73,3% voted for Concept H)

Page updated with latest statistics as of 9 June 2013.

Evaluation of Results

Most Noodle&Soup and Rice&Gravy and 'Other food type' users voted for 'Moon & Sun' (Concept H), and there is quite a similar percentage of users from each age group that liked this concept (except age group 13-18 where I only had one respondent).  

I suspect that some people may have voted for 'Moon & Sun' because the 'Press & Seal' looked quite small in my mock-up. I had to use coffee cups to make the mock-up for 'Press & Seal' as I could not get a larger size container to mimic the same lid-sealing action, and I had made a  note in the survey that I have to study the size further.

Some users included in their comments their concerns and their user needs. This information is very useful as it allows me to cross-check with the Key User Needs list I have had, and see if they match up. It will also help me develop my concept better  when moving forward, verifying against these user comments. 

The strength of 'Moon & Sun' over 'Press & Seal' is definitely the Wow Factor with greater Beauty & Elegance, and the possibility to hold when eating. 'Press & Seal' is more successful at meeting the modular needs, containing more than 2 food types, and probably cost lesser to produce. However, there is no cost implication in the survey so I was wondering if that would sway users' vote if that came into play.


From Week 4, I had suspected that these 2 designs would have different target consumers. Since 'Moon & Sun' has more 'Wow factor' and potentially higher costs, there is a possibility that it is a food packaging type that will be used by higher-end takeaway venues compared to 'Press & Seal', which would be more popular with smaller shops which appreciates lower costs more than the 'Wow factor'. 

Hence, although the result shows that more people prefer 'Moon & Sun', I may stick with having 2 concepts and investigate both concepts for just a little more to help determine which direction to go.
[Afternote:  Oops - I had misunderstood that I had to use a max of 2 concepts to do my concept testing... otherwise I would have tested the 2 shown above against the existing packaging, seen on my gap page. Unfortunately no one answered my doubt in the forums & it is too late to re-do the survey now... ]

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    June 2013

